Q: How are you different form him? A: As far as ITC is concerned we should look at it from the perspective that ITC is an institution and ITC works with certain processes and a DNA that has evolved over the years. The DNA of the organisation is one off distributed leadership where we have each business, which has a management committee and has a chief executive and we have a centre that in a way is place the role of venture capitalist and a mentor and we have very clearly a DNA which says that we will do things that will make us perform in 3 dimensions – financials, environmental and social. Now this process actually drives the whole management process in the organisation. Now what I would like to certainly continue doing is to continue what I have learned and what has worked well is to enable and empower, at the same time provide sufficient input and guidance so that each of the businesses can succeed. I am a hands on person, so I have to remain hands on, but at the same time not get into the day to day operations or any backseat driving. The trick really is to be able to remain hands on, give input, give guidance but in a whole ethos of enabling and empowerment so that each business can takes it own decision and succeed in it on right.