Monday, April 24, 2017

Machine learning

1) Train a supervised model to predict the stock prices of a certain company by using all the stock data available from the past few years. A method called a "similar day approach" can be used to to train such a system. Time series prediction may be used for this.

2) Build a predictor that predicts the best stock to invest into based on the following
    i) The recommendation of experts (the weighted mean where weight of each expert is the rating he obtains)
    ii) The performance of the company in the past few months (Time series)
    iii) Return prediction from the previously trained model

3) Use natural language processing to automatically redirect a user to relevant information by looking at his/her queries, past searches etc.

4) Predict the effect of various day to day happenings or events on the stock market prices. For example, If donald trump wins elections, will that effect the prices of particular stocks?

Best regards,

Friday, April 14, 2017

VI vs VC

Over the course of a career, you’re going to make a sequence of bets, Andreessen says: “You’re going to make those bets of the places you choose to go and the people you choose to work with. You’re going to screw some of those up.” And just like in the VC business, it’s wise to understand the difference between two types of errors. Mistakes of commission — losing everything you invest in a company — can be tough, but you’ll get over them in time. Errors of omission — not investing in the first place — will scar you for life. “Every highly successful VC has made mistakes of omission, really big ones, of companies that they had the chance to invest in, they should’ve invested in, they didn’t invest in,” Andreessen says. “Take the bet, lose 1X. Don’t take the bet and possibly miss on 1,000X.”

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

When the rain starts to pour

Believe me, when you look over 17 years and you calculate the averages it looks like any idiot should know that this works.
But in the middle of doing it when you are down 25% you don’t really know if it is stillworking. Does it make sense? Have things changed? Is it really going to earn that next year? 
Or newspapers
were a great franchise, but they are no longer a great franchise and they are running down